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Reuse Your Bubble Tea Straw and Save the Planet!

Plastic is one of the major pollutants in the world. As of 2015, there is an accumulation of more than 6.3 tonnes of plastic trash. About 79% of it will be accumulated in landfills and the environment. Around 73% of the beach trash is plastic. Plastic imposes serious health risks like cancer, chronic inflammation, diabetes,…

How Do I Choose the Best Reusable Straws in Canada?

The choice of straw depends on your drink and your preference. While I like to drink matcha Boba tea, my boyfriend is obsessed with dalgona coffee (I know it has been a year!). After 2015, we decided to reduce our carbon footprint and cut down on plastic in our life. Without realizing it, we had…

Find the Best Reusable Drinking Straws in Canada!

Why did the government ban the use of plastic straws? Since 2019, the United States has slowly banned the use of single-use plastic straws throughout the country. This decision was made because of the impact of these straws on the oceans and marine life. Straws make up to 4% of the plastic waste generated that…

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